US Popularity:10873
Other Origin(s):Latin
Loris is a feminine name that acts as a Swiss variant of the English name Lori and the Latin name Laurentius, giving a fresh spin on a classic moniker. Switzerland has a history of being in the Roman Empire and has centuries of Latin influence. It derives from the word “laurel,” a fragrant evergreen tree that has traditionally been a symbol of victory and is sure to inspire baby’s journey to success. In imperial Rome, emperors and generals wore laurel wreaths to signify triumph in battle. Many people have held this name over the years, including Swiss footballer player Loris Benito. If you want baby to grow up to be a winner, giving them the name Loris could set them off on the right track.

Loris Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2019
- 17014
from 2017
In comparison to the previous year's data

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