Whether you're trying to get pregnant, already pregnant, or a new mom, we have the tools you need to stay on top of everything. Try easy-to-use tools like our ovulation calculator, personalized pregnancy and baby calendar, chinese gender chart, contraction calculator, breastfeeding log and more.
General Tools and Resources
Fertility Tools
Pregnancy Tools
How Big is Baby
From poppyseed to papaya, watch baby grow!
A pregnancy tracker for your prenatal appointments
Due Date Calculator
Calculate your due date using your last missed period
Chinese Gender Chart
See if this ancient chart can predict baby's gender
Create a Bump Registry, link all your favorite stores and create a single, personal URL
Registry Checklist
Use our checklist to create and track the ultimate baby registry
Saved Baby Names
Quickly find the baby names you favorited
Baby Name Finder
Browse thousands of baby names
Baby Names Game
Play a game to build a baby name list or narrow down your favorites
Baby Name Generator
Discover baby name ideas and suggestions
Middle Name Generator
Find the perfect middle name
Meaning of Your Name
Name meaning, identity, and history
Hospital Bag Checklist
Be prepared for delivery and recovery with our hospital bag checklist
Birth Plan
Learn about your delivery options and document your preferences
Baby Budgeter
Estimate your expenses in baby's first year
Contraction Counter
Track your contractions with our contraction counter
Parenting Tools
Baby Month by Month
Learn what to expect each month in baby's first year
Baby Budgeter
Estimate your expenses in baby's first year
Vaccination Tracker
Stay on top of vaccinations with our immunization chart
Breastfeeding Tracker
Track baby's nursing sessions with our breastfeeding log
Bottle feeding? Use this log to track baby's feedings
Sleep Tracker
Chart baby's sleep patterns with our sleep tracker
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