
Traveling During Second Trimester

Planning a trip for your second trimester? Here's what you can do to stay safe and comfortable while traveling.
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profile picture of Paula Kashtan
Updated April 19, 2017
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The second trimester is great for traveling, as long as you take a few precautions. Here are a few tips to keep yourself (and baby!) safe and comfy on the road and in the skies.

Move it!
When flying, circulation is the key to comfort—be sure to keep moving. Get up and walk around once an hour, and wiggle or massage your legs every few minutes while seated. (Same goes for anytime you’re seated for an extended period throughout your pregnancy.) Keeping the blood flowing reduces risk of varicose veins, thrombosis (blood clots) and swollen feet and ankles.

Buckle low
Wear your seatbelt across the thighs and below the belly, where it’s safest and most comfortable.

Kick up your heels
Propping your feet up also helps blood flow—try using a carry-on item or available seat.

Drink up
Avoid travel-induced dehydration and weariness by drinking lots of non-caffeinated fluids.

Fly up front
To stay comfortable, request an aisle seat on the front half of the plane. This will give you a smoother ride, and make it easier to get up and walk around.

Get comfy
Try a back-support cushion or pillow. When traveling by car, push your seat back as far as possible to get more leg room.

Updated November 2016

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