US Popularity:5200
Meaning:Joyful autumn; Beautiful; Kind; Bright; Fortunate
Yoshiaki is a Japanese name that can have a variety of meanings, depending on which kanji is used to write it. One popular translation is “joyful autumn,” and can be a great choice if your little one joins your family while the leaves are changing colors. Yoshiaki can also translate to various adjectives that can describe your bundle of joy, including “beautiful,” “kind,” “bright,” and “fortunate.” As baby lets their dazzling beauty radiate from the inside out and bring kindness and other good vibes into the world, Yoshiaki can always remind them that luck is in their future.

Yoshiaki Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 1929
- 1700
from 1928
In comparison to the previous year's data

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