US Popularity:5030
Meaning:Help; Advantage
Ophilia is a girl’s name of ancient Greek origin. Meaning “help” or “advantage,” this title can see your new arrival being of true benefit to your home. Ophilia is a variation on the popular spelling Ophelia, a name that was rediscovered or recreated by an Italian Renaissance poet in the 15th century in his poem Arcadia. Ophelia is also the name of a well-known Shakespearean character. Although Hamlet’s Ophelia met an untimely demise, she inspires artwork and adaptations to this day. With a name deeply rooted in literature, Ophilia may look to words and creativity to express themself, finding comfort and peace in the arts.

Ophilia Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 1918
- 822
from 1915
In comparison to the previous year's data
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